Oral Health & Your Overall Health

Dental health is part of a bigger picture: whole-body wellness.

Unhealthy teeth and gums are often found in combination with heart disease and other life-threatening conditions, and many health issues can also...

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The Oral and Overall Health Benefits of Smiling

Just about everyone loves to smile. From a glimmer of a grin to a full-blown belly laugh, it simply feels great to feel that good. And the power of...

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The Diabetes and Oral Health Connection

This National Children's Dental Health Month, we want to highlight how diabetes and oral health can be connected for children. Approximately 352,000...

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The Importance of Prenatal Dental Care: A Healthy Smile for Two

Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with joy and anticipation. While you're busy preparing for your little bundle of joy, don't forget about your...

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Healthy Teeth and Gums with Diabetes

Healthy Teeth and Gums: An Important Part of Your Diabetes Management Plan Everybody likes a bright smile. And keeping your teeth and gums healthy is...

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Oral Health & Your Heart

Why Good dental hygiene is important for heart health. Here is yet another reason to brush at least twice and floss at least once every day:...

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4 Ways to Keep Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

If you’re like the average adult, you’ll get two or three colds a year, and they’ll last between seven and 10 days.(1) And when flu season hits,...

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Don't Miss This Back-To-School Essential

While you may be busy getting ready to send your children back to school, life will likely get even busier once school starts. That’s why now is a...

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The Essential Mineral for a Healthy Smile

When you think about calcium, the first thing that may come to mind is its role in building strong bones. Yet it does so much more than that. Calcium...

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Food Friends and Foes for Your Teeth

If you are what you eat, then it’s particularly true for your teeth and gums. When you drink sugary beverages and eat starchy foods, you’re not only...

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